Exercise for weight loss at home is possible by some listed and trending methods, let’s explore them!

Yes it is the right time to start with the best in house techniques that we recommend as weight loss exercises at home for everyone. However, obesity or a fat body is always considered to several body disorders like diabetes, cholesterol, and other heart problems, COVID-19, itself, had increased additional worries along with lock-down rules at the date; so why not pivot it all into the best exercise for weight loss event and lose your excess fats that we hankering for years.

When the world is getting confused about where to start with the best exercise for weight loss, fat, and that unwanted increasing weight, we have rounded up some of the best, time-saving, and easy-breezy exercising tips and tricks, which can be easily fit in your regular short exercise schedule.

Before you notice our key suggestive tips, we recommend you to begin with 30-second warm-ups and 15-second rest afterward, which is enough to prepare your energetic body for weight loss exercises at home steps.

Clapping hands (Jumping Jacks) (30 seconds)

weight loss exercises at home

Throughout the beneficial clapping hands or jumping jack steps, your body burns 100s of calories, gains body metabolism, and reduces fats. Additionally, it is considered the best exercise for weight loss due to its cardio acts nature, which is highly good for heart health.

Clapping hands is the best weight loss exercises at home and has a significant impact on the body that affects from hands to the abdomen area, as well as providing you with a fresh and fit physique after burning a large number of calories.

Scheduling 30 minutes clapping hands moves in your regular exercise steps transforms your look in 20 to 25 days, and you would get new hope for your wishing life. 

Read more: 10 Outstanding Fitness Tips For Healthy Life That Will Make You Strong

Side bending (15 times at each side) 

A side bending procedure would be the best step from all weight loss exercises at home. And yes this can be the best answer for your important online search too. Well, it is the most simple and easy step that you need to follow. And once, you would start it, we bet, you would find it an interesting move for your entire body, where your body is not only flexible, but it starts burning more and more calories, and lots of fat in the body.

It specifically impacts your low back and abdominal part; thus you lose fats, strengthen your spine and body posture.

15 times a day, would be better enough for your body to look more attractive early this month. All the best!

Arm Crossover (30 seconds)

Spread your arms horizontally to your sides and cross and then draw them out back as far as you can. When your chest is completely stretched, repeat this back and forth motion until the set is completed. This is what simply we call arm crossover exercise, which is part of weight loss exercises at home.  These, arm Crossover steps, for 30 seconds in a day won’t impact your schedule, and you could lose more body fats, which you never thought of before. It also improves shoulder joint flexibility and range of motion.

Arm circle (30 Seconds)

If you’re a fitness lover you probably know the key benefits of arms circle, but if you’re going to perform this as an effective weight loss exercises at home: we like to add one more suggestion for you to do, which can be interesting (enjoy your Netflix movies while rolling your arms in circle), just kidding. While it looks very easy to perform, your body would get a few important benefits with it, including enhanced blood circulation in the body, burning calories, strengthening your arm, shoulder, chest muscles, and shaping biceps.

Burpee (45 Seconds) 

The most trending, fruitful, and of course, the best exercise for weight loss: Burpee makes us feel happy, fresh, and relish. You can find many relevant videos over Youtube, explaining its moves and inspiring others to add them in weight loss exercises at home, regularly.

A study claimed that a person can reduce up to 250 calories by doing it for 20 minutes, but we want to recommend you to do this exercise only for 10 minutes from your extra less and hectic regular schedule.

The key factor of this specialized exercise is it not only reduces your extra bulky look but is also used to strengthen the muscles in your legs, hips, buttocks, abdomen, and shoulders.

High Knees (30 seconds)

Yes, inspirational fitness icons are posting their self-notes on various social media sites, and they never fail to convey the true benefits of high knees steps as the best exercise among all weight loss exercises at home. It increases heartbeats, which is essential for the proper functioning of your heart muscles.

If you already have knee problems or have just been in an accident, you should abandon this plan.

To start this practice, bring two pairs of shoes with you for better grip, but conducting it once a day for 30 seconds is appropriate to produce significant results.

Squat (20 times)

Well, hundreds of thousands of happy people are sharing their feedback about Squat steps that had inspired us also to add this as the best weight loss exercises at home tips for you: fitness lovers. Sure, you wouldn’t necessarily lose weight, but you may prepare yourself to combat fatty substances in your body.

While performing a squat, all you have to do is to bend your knees and sit over your feet and come in a standing position again. Simply 20 times in a day your body loses a high amount of calories through squatting.

Plank (30 sec to 1 minute)

The plank is an essential exercise that strengthens the shoulder, chest, neck, and biceps muscles while also burning fat in the abdomen. Push-ups have a similar effect on the body, but you must hold your body for the longest duration.

This fat-burning activity is more worthy than all weight loss exercises at home. You can also improve your mental power and inner endurance, as well as give you more confidence in your overall personality.

Plank is one of the most effective calorie burners among various aerobic exercises. If you’re planning to start it soon, we recommend starting with 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Legs Drops (30 seconds)

Another simple step, leg drop, is similar to yoga and is very efficient in decreasing belly fat, burning calories, strengthening your lower abs, and increasing leg flexibility.

All you need to do is to add weight loss exercises at home as a New Year resolution in your promising notebook if you’re planning to get fit again in your skin tight jeans on the first day of college. 

If you just have planned to add this best exercise for weight loss steps in your regular exercising schedule then we suggest beginning with slow steps. Simply, just lay down at your back and lift your legs up and hold it straight for a while then release it slowly in your relaxing position.

Bridge (30 Seconds)

The bridge is another best exercise for weight loss primarily for losing belly fat, shaping your abs and buttocks, and increasing body flexibility. Simply lie down on your back, bend your knees, and begin lifting your hips off the ground until your knees and shoulders are in line with your hips.

Sure, you should start with small steps and don’t push yourself as hard as other fitness instructors do ( high in the sky). It’s enough to spend 30 seconds on this step every day to see a difference.


If you’re worried about the overall time to perform all listed steps in a single moment? Then please don’t worry, because all it takes to you is 10 minutes from your limited regular daytime.

Yes, of course, it’s really hard for us to convince you to add these weight loss exercises at home into your daily exercising tasks, but we guess you would find it all an exciting factor that not only shapes your awkward body but makes you an inspirational figure in society.